
Archive for August, 2009

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Ten and a half weeks post LPOA and feeling a little tender!  Mentally and physically.  Physically because I keep doing tooooooooo much and then I am finding that I get a strange, not pain, but discomfort around the left side of my pubic bone (nice! Lol! – Not an area that you can massage without getting some very odd looks!).  I think it is from where they cut the bone near to that area and I am assuming that it is because I am carrying too much, holding dogs that suddenly lurch forward meaning that you automatically lunge forward on your operated leg etc. etc.  Just generally not understanding how long these things are taking to heal!  I read this morning that these bone cuts take between 4 and 6 months to heal fully – so that is probably why mine is complaining.  And that is why mentally I am feeling a little sorry for myself.  I want to do what I feel I can do, but I shouldn’t.  When someone phones up and says “Can you have my dog for while we go on holiday?”  I can’t help but say “Yes”!  Oh well, I will have two weeks of sitting by a pool, not doing much to hopefully recover any damage I may have incurred over the last couple of mad dog weeks!

They are funny, the dogs, though – one went off through the black mud this morning – well put it this way, she wasn’t a blonde anymore when she came out!  Why is it that the blonder they are the more intent they are in going into the deepest, darkest, smelliest mud they can possibly find?  I just love handing them back to the owner by my finger tips with a big grin on my face! Lol!  I do enjoy it, and have missed not going out with them, which is another reason for taking on so many!  We were six this morning, including our dog, Ella!


The one that went black is sitting in the middle at the back – she was washed off in the pond following her little escapade so is looking just sort of grubby now.  I am not a miracle maker, I only got them to sit like that because my youngest (out of sight to my right) had nicked their ball and was holding it ransom – at the point of taking the photo my son, who was inside the house (to my left), was hoovering the hallway and banged the front door with the hoover – hence you have one dog looking right (Noosa), Charlie who can’t decide which is more important to keep his focus on, the ball or the door, so he looked at me for help, and all the others (Milly, Harry, and Lucia) looking left – except that is for our Ella who doesn’t give a toss about anything!

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