
Archive for April, 2010

Yikes – is that all!!!

Glad to say that, so far, so good!  Hubby’s left hip is plaguing him! Lol!  (No, not funny really, cos it’s quite sore, but just funny when it’s my hips that should be hurting really!).  We are on the ‘taper’ and enjoying not having to walk so far, and for so long!  I must admit to almost having burnt out at doing soooooo many miles – I will be very glad to get to the finishing line along the Mall.  As for the hips, well both of them are holding up well.  I am getting some pain in my left hip at night time – when I lie on my right side, it starts to hurt, and then turning over is quite painful, but once turned, it doesn’t hurt!  Very weird.  I just hope it is nothing sinister.  My right hip, on the inferior ramus stress fracture is very sore alot of the time, but considering how far we have been walking it is not surprising.  I have found in the last couple of weeks that the twanging and pinging in my left hip is subsiding, as is the discomfort around the stress fracture.  The discomfort is still there but not quite so much.  Well, I think anyway, so I am hoping that once the marathon is out of the way that everything will, indeed, settle.

Exciting news went to my PT and lying on my right side with left leg bent, I could JUST lift my right leg off the bed – all of the depth of a piece of paper, but there was movement.  I was so excited!  And so was she!  I had put off going back to see her, because I was scared that she would say that there was no improvement, but I was wrong.  Yay!

There have been alot of ladies on the Hip Women site either having their ops and about to have them, and I do so feel for them.  I am so glad, despite the problems with my second PAO, that I have got them both out of the way.  I, mentally, feel I am almost back – there is still a little part of ‘me’ that is focused on the stress fracture and healing, but the rest of ‘me’ is here.   My heart goes out to each and every one of them, because I know their fears, and I know for some there is still a long road ahead, but the group is just so supportive, and helpful, there will always be someone there to listen and to give words of help, wisdom and love.   I send my best wishes to them all and hope for a good recovery whatever stage they are at.  They are just Hipfantastic!

Anyway, bed beckons – actually, that’s a lie – a glass of wine beckons, and then bed!

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